MuchLoved Newsletter Editions

MuchLoved Newsletter – May 2009

Your MuchLoved Newsletter
With summer fast approaching we are busy working away at yet more MuchLoved developments, recruiting more partners and launching our Facebook Group. Read on to find out all.
Best wishes, Sally & Jon

This month we welcome…

“We are extremely happy to be developing a relationship with Muchloved. The site enables our supporters to create a unique and interactive online tribute to their loved ones, which I’m sure they will find very valuable.” David Adams, Fundraising Manager

“It’s been wonderful to work in partnership with MuchLoved – their free and unique service means we can offer our in memory supporters a special way to remember.” Natalie Assad, Individual Giving Officer

Would you like more donations?
By updating the wording that shows on the donate section of a tribute, you could increase the amount of donations made. It is the ideal place to make a specific funding request and by providing, for example, a shopping list of your charity’s needs you will be giving the donor a real and tangible goal to reach. Email us with your changes

For up to the minute information on our latest developments and to help spread the word about our service, please join MuchLoved’s Facebook Group.

NFE National Funeral Exhibition
We will be exhibiting at the National Funeral Exhibition from 13th -15th June 2009. Over the weekend we will be National Funeral Exhibition Bannerdemonstrating our site to funeral directors from across the UK, offering them the chance to partner with us. This will enable them to offer the service to their clients and to use it as the vehicle for collecting In Memoriam donations.

Video Demonstration
To watch a 4minute online demonstration of the main features of a MuchLoved tribute website, just click on the tribute image to the right.