Specialist UK Bereavement Support Organisations
Welcome to our bereavement support organisation area designed to help you easily find the most relevant contact details from the wide array of support agencies working to help bereaved people in the UK.
Phone Line Support >
General Bereavement Support >
Death during pregnancy or shortly after birth >
Death of a child >
Death of a partner >
Murder or Manslaughter >
Suicide >
Road Death >
Phone Line and Email Support

Confidential emotional support 24/7 to those experiencing despair, distress or suicidal feelings.

Confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post.
General Bereavement Support

Cruse is the leading charity in the U.K. specialising in bereavement. They provide support, information, advice, education and training with services offered free to bereaved people.

Bereavement UK offers information about death, dying, bereavement, funerals and self help counselling.

Offering support for bereaved parents and their families.
Death during pregnancy or shortly after birth

Supporting parents whose baby has died around the time of birth.

For babies born too soon, too small, too sick.
Death of a child / sibling

Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying.
Death of a partner

A national support group for those widowed under 50 offering friendship, advice and activities.
Murder or Manslaughter

Support after Murder and Manslaughter looks to assist those who have lost a relative or friend as a result of murder, manslaughter or unlawful killing.

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide exists to meet the needs and overcome the isolation experienced by people over 18 who have been bereaved by suicide.
Road Death

The road safety charity. We work to stop road death tragedies and support people left bereaved and injured.